Nataliya Bugayova is an entrepreneur and national security analyst. She serves as Director of Intelligence at Tecsonomy, a new tech-enabled intelligence firm. Tecsonomy maps and monitors ecosystems at the intersection of national security, finance, and technology, such as supply chains. Tecsonomy’s assessments focus on topics such as nanoelectronics, biotechnology, and the high-tech nexus between Russia and China.
She is also a National Security Fellow at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), focused on Russia. Prior to Tecsonomy, Nataliya led ISW’s Russia research program. She conducted open-source intelligence analysis of the Kremlin’s decision-making, information operations, and military campaigns from the former Soviet Union to Africa.
Nataliya is the author of “Putin’s Offset: The Kremlin’s Geopolitical Adaptations Since 2014,” and “How We Got Here with Russia: The Kremlin’s Worldview.” Her work has been featured in The Hill, BBC, VOA, and other outlets. She briefed national security officials and military units deploying overseas.
Prior to ISW, Nataliya was the Chief Executive Officer of Kyiv Post, Ukraine’s largest independent English-language publication, in 2014-2015. Nataliya served as the Chief of Staff and Adviser on international financial institutions to the Ukrainian Economy Minister in the immediate aftermath of the 2014 pro-democracy Euromaidan Revolution.
Nataliya holds a master’s in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School. She was a student fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. She completed her bachelor’s in Asian Studies at Schevchenko National University of Kyiv and is a native of Ukraine.