Henry-Pacifique Mayala coordinates the Kivu Security Tracker (KST), a joint project of the New York University-based Congo Research Group (CRG), Bridgeway Foundation, Human Rights Watch, and Ebuteli, a DRC-based research institute. KST maps incidents of violence in eastern Congo in order to better understand trends, causes of insecurity, and serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Henry-Pacifique is a humanitarian professional and human rights activist with ten years of progressive experience in research and information management in Central Africa and the Sahel regions. He is a former recipient and member of the prestigious YALI & CHEVENING networks. Henry-Pacifique attended the Kampala International University for a BSc. In Environmental Sciences and holds an MSc. in Global Politics from the Birberk, University of London.
Henry-Pacifique Mayala
Africa 2024
Henry-Pacifique Mayala
Africa 2024